ICAT - ETH workshop on Catalysis

Prof. C. Copéret from ETH Zurich and Prof. K. Shimizu from Hokkaido University Sapporo co-organize the ICAT - ETH workshop on Catalysis taking place on September 10th/11th 2019 at ETH Hönggerberg, HCI J7.


The Programm can be dowloaded Download here. (PDF, 551 KB)

The following speakers are confirmed:

From Japan:

  1. Yasushi Sekine, Waseda University
  2. Miho Yamauchi, Kyusyu University
  3. Takahiro Kondo, University of Tsukuba
  4. Toshiyuki Yokoi, Tokyo Institute of Technology
  5. Taniike Toshiaki, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
  6. Satoshi Ishikawa, Kanagwa University
  7. Hirokazu Kobayashi, Hokkaido University
  8. Shinya Furukawa, Hokkaido University
  9. Takashi Toyao, Hokkaido University

From Switzerland/Europe:

  1. Raffaella Buonsanti, EPFL 
  2. Jeroen van Bokhoven, ETH Zürich – PSI
  3. Erick Carreira, ETH Zürich
  4. Peter Chen, ETH Zürich
  5. Clémence Corminboeuf, EPFL
  6. Davide Ferri, PSI
  7. Bill Morandi , ETH Zürich
  8. Victor Mougel, ETH Zürich
  9. Christoph Müller, ETH Zürich
  10. Gina Noh, ETH Zürich 
  11. Atsushi Urakawa, Delft University

Venue & Directions:
ETH Hönggerberg, HCI-Building, Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10, 8093 Zurich 
Lecture Room J7, on the J-Floor (except for the discussion on Wednesday afternoon, which can take place in room HCI H213, on the H-floor, in the 2nd finger of the building)

How to get to the ETH Campus Hönggerberg: 

There’s the bus stop “ETH Hönggerberg”, which lies in the middle of the Campus.

  • Take the bus number 69 or 80 to take you to “ETH Hönggerberg”. Busses run approx. every 7 minutes. (external page See Public Transport site of Zurich)
  • There’s also a direct bus connection between the ETH main building in the City Center and the Campus Hönggerberg. The bus is called “ETH Link”. Busses run approx. every 20 minutes, stopping also at the tram/bus stop “Haldenegg” near the City Center: 

There will be signs guiding you from the bus stop “ETH Hönggerberg” to the workshop venue.

Contact Person is Andrea Mark (fischer@inorg.chem.ethz.ch).