
Our group works on the surface chemistry of oxides, metallic nanoparticles, and hybrid organic-inorganic materials. The controlled functionalization of surfaces is an essential step to define and understand the properties of materials for a range of applications, such as catalysis, imaging, or microelectronics.

In that context, the focus of our research is to master the molecular-level understanding, the structure and the related properties of surface sites in order to generate well-defined heterogenous catalysts from single-sites to supported nanoparticles, with tailored compositions and interfaces.

Our research has the overarching goal of developing catalysts and devices through rational design. In this pursuit we employ a multidisciplinary approach spanning disciplines that can be broadly encompassed by the terms Making, Observing, Predicting, Testing (M–OPT)

Our multidisciplinary approach, starting with the synthesis of materials from tailored-molecular precursors and supports to developing characterization methods and using computational tools, enables to obtain a molecular understanding of catalytic materials and properties. While all expertises are available in our group, we have the chance to additionally benefit from a large network of national and international collaborations within academia and industry. This enables us not only to access state-of-the-art unique methods, but to also face contemporary challenges.

We now invite you to browse our webpage and publications to get acquainted with our research, our findings as well as the numerous actors behind the scenes.

For an updated publication list please consider Prof. Copéret Google Scholar webpage.